What people are saying about Roger’s ministry…

“Roger brings many strengths to this ministry. He faces difficult issues head on, is direct and honest, and works through challenging situations with a great deal of compassion and integrity. He is calm and funny, extremely self-aware and lets you know, in every encounter, how deeply he values the insights and the ideas of others.”
-Rev. Kelly Crocker
“Roger’s leadership as the congregation navigated this time of intense and deeply felt change was heartfelt, grounding, and incredibly well-informed. At the start of his tenure with us, Roger listened intentionally, earnestly, and compassionately. He brought the congregation into small and larger group conversations, creating an atmosphere of openness, asking, listening, validating, and supporting. He reassured us that our experience, our feelings, our fears, and our hopes were valid, made sense, and could help us see our way into the future.“
-Jillian Lampert, WBUUC Board President

“Roger has supported the work of our Search Team in multiple ways. He has served as our voice at the Board of Trustees table and consulted with us on our timeline for search and on the methods of search. Throughout, Roger has served us with pastoral care and support as we’ve navigated these issues over the last 9 months. We look forward to his continued support and guidance as we move into our Candidating Week and prepare for our new team of Co-Equal Ministers.”
-Sandy Eskrich and Emily Smith
sandy.eskrich@gmail.com | smithem227@gmail.com

“During Roger’s tenure, he has also made the work of covenant and right relationship a priority; this included helping our staff team create a staff covenant, work on a congregational covenant of right relationship, as well as priorotizing work around support for the 8th Principle. All of this work has helped WBUUC keep covenant and right relationship at the center of all we do.”
-Amy Peterson Derrick
“Though Roger does not, and will not, force change, his pastoral approach is not to be underestimated. He is an attentive listener grounded in integrity. This means that he is skilled at holding space for disagreements, concerns, fears, and more, all without losing sight of our shared values and the larger vision. In this way, I believe Roger leads change, and does so by meeting people where they are and modeling the journey of transformation with patience and care.”
-Rev. Alicia Forde

“Exceptional ministry extends well beyond the pulpit, but Sunday mornings in Appleton unfailingly gave Roger a chance to shine! His sermons were always carefully scripted, thoughtfully composed, and spiritually engaging. Worship was shaped by his ministerial persona: calm, unpretentious, and genuine. I remember the services to be both holy and humble. Intellectual exploration was balanced with story and myth, and as such, the services enriched both head and heart.”
-Dan Van Sickle
Let’s Explore What Ministry Might Look Like Together.